November 19, 1979 FIN – Mickey McClure of Capitol Bolt is the new chairman of the Southwestern Fastener Association and Watt Pye of Jack Pye Sales is president.
New members of the board of directors – each of whom will serve a three-year term – are: Dub Reagan, American Socket Screw, Dallas; Gene Hunt of The Nut Place, Houston; and Gene Petty of Dial Supply, Grand Prairie, Texas.
Mike Lovell of Q Data Corp. – surrounded by a battery of terminals, screens, TV monitors and overhead projectors and assisted by several of his staff – gave a comprehensive demonstration of the use of computers in all aspects of fastener distribution.

The meeting was November 2-3, 1979, at the Marriott West in Houston – starting with a Friday evening dinner at the San Jacinto Inn.
The Saturday morning business meeting with over 300 people in the audience, got underway with welcoming remarks of outgoing president Ray Robinson of HRS Fasteners, Arlington, Texas; reading of the minutes by outgoing secretary Loren Griswold of Grisco Bolt & Supply of Dallas, and the treasurer’s report by Bill Smith of Smith Bolt Division of Smith Industries of Houston.
New member companies are: Arcadian Fastener; AR Fastener; Denton Bolt; Highland Threads; Jefferson Bolt; SPS Technologies; Universal Fastener; and Waco Bolt.
SFA members voted to stay with the original choice of South Padre Island in Texas for Spring 1980, despite recent problems with oil slicks emanating from malfunctioning rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. The autumn 1980 meeting will be at the Loews Anatole in Dallas and the spring 1981 meeting will be at Lake Tahoe.
Presenting committee reports were: Johnny Farrell of Homan Fasteners (Legislative Committee); Dennis Neil of Allied International (Grievance); and Bill Smith (Finance) and Mickey McClure (Membership).

Origin of SFA
SFA started in 1975 with about 18 companies. Among those instrumental in establishing that first meeting are Loren T. Griwold of Grisco Bolt & Supply, Dallas (and active as secretary since); Jack Pye of Jack Pye Sales Co. Inc. (brother of new president Watt Pye); Jack Stien of Universal Fasteners, Dallas; Don Duboise of Smith Industries; and Dick Palmer of Palmer Screw Products, Dallas (FIN apologies to anyone left out).
SFA is now comprised of 160 member companies and, though most of the members come from Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas, there is no geographical restriction on membership.  In fact, there is very little restriction of any kind other than that the member be somehow involved in the fastener industry on an active basis. This includes manufacturers, distributors, importers, manufacturers’ reps, and suppliers to the industry.
FIN spotted attendees from Connecticut, New York, Illinois, Rhode Island, Virginia, Mississippi, Iowa, California, Ohio, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Alabama, Kansas and even Sweden.
Anyone wishing to obtain more information about SFA’s activities and/or membership requirements can contact Loren T. Griswold, Secretary, The Southwestern Fastener Association, P.O. Box 141014, Dallas, TX 75214. Tel: (214) 826-1760.  ©1979/2014 Fastener Industry News.
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