November 5, 1981 FIN – Bedford Heights, Ohio company Wodin Inc. is moving into fastener manufacture.
Larry Dusenbury, manager of the new division, explained to Fastener Industry News that “it was a nice mesh. The company has been in business for 15 years. It has been doing business in the valve industry and also in the aircraft industry.”
“We want to put out quality bolt, one-inch through two-and-a-half-inch diameter hex head washer faced, six to thirty inches long, made of 4140 material and also 300-4000 series stainless steels,” Dusenbury told FIN. “We will also manufacture bolts of special materials like inconels, monels, hastalloys and a lot of brass. We’re going to stock the 4140 and 300-400 stainless for a maximum of 7 working days delivery (meaning ship it within 7 days).”
Dusenbury added that he “felt that the industry was looking for a quality high-priority type product at a competitive price. We do high priority orders where you trace orders back to the raw materials and segregate throughout the whole manufacturing facility. We have our own quality control department. All of the parts are going to be dipped so they donʼt get dinged up in shipment after being threaded.”
Wodin Fastener Division will start off making hex cap screws, hex bolts and machine bolts.
Toward the end of 1982 it will be getting into other types of fasteners such as the large diameter square heads and hex sockets and counter sockets. It is aiming at petrochemical and oil markets, offshore drilling, food processing equipment makers and makers of large off-the-road equipment.
Customers are expected to be people such as Caterpillar, FMC, Ingersol Rand and large construction companies such as Brown & Roote, Parsons, Fluor and Stone & Webster.
Wodin will also offer secondary operations such as hole drilling, gun barrel drilling, etc.  ©1981/2014 Fastener Industry News.
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