June 14, 1984 FIN – Allied Products Corp., Romard Northwest Inc., and Global Trading Company have combined their distribution operations, effective June 4.

Allied’s Sterling Bolt, Buildco, and Texas-based Southern divisions and Romard’s Midwest Bolt division in Kansas City, Missouri, Midwest Industries and Romard/ Donahue division in Franklin Park, Illinois have been combined into Global.
Each of the units will retain its present management and will be operated as divisions of Global.
Global’s corporate offices will be at 10900 West Belmont Ave., Franklin Park, IL 60130.
Global intends to change its name to Global Distribution Network Inc., and Herb Gordon, who has been president and principal shareholder of Global will be the president and director of Allied Products.
For the past 7 years, through Global Trading, he has been providing corporate development services to the Pioneer group of fastener companies.
Global is now actively seeking acquisitions in related fields in order to expand the scope of its international activities!and has already had several discussions to accomplish this goal.
All of the above is taken from Allied’s official press release about the new venture. In addition to the above, FIN would like to add some additional material which may or may not be right on the money.
Herb Gordon, 58, is a real veteran of the fastener industry. He’s the son of Charles Gordon who started Sterling Bolt in 1919. Herb joined Sterling when he got out of the service in 1946 and except for a few years that he took off to go back to school for a degree in Psychology and worked as a community psychologist for the states of Illinois and Pennsylvania, he’s been in the fastener distribution business for his entire business career.
His father died in 1961 and Herb, then president of Sterling, merged that company into Allied Products in 1963.
At the risk of possibly confusing you rather than enlightening you, we believe that what is now Allied International, Rye, NY, was a part of Allied Products (Herb being Eric Cohn’s boss) until Allied International separate group around 1972.
Getting back to the newly established Global Distribution Network Inc., the Sterling Bolt Division has operations in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Dallas and Houston and Buildco had operations in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The Southern Fastener Divisions of Global have operations in Dallas and Houston.
Not being made part of the new combine are Allied’s Products’ other fastener groups, Phoell Manufacturing Co., Chicago, IL, and Wolverine Bolt, Detroit, MI.
Global Distribution is reportedly owned 45 percent each by Allied Products and Pioneer Screw & Nut and 10 percent by Gordon, but we have not verified those figures. ©1984/2014 Fastener Industry News.
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