March 15, 1985 – Interdrive Incorporated, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has introduced the Interdrive, a patented, air-driven tool for installing screws and other threaded parts into assemblies by driving the parts to torque or depth. It is designed to fill an assembly operations niche between manual procedures and high volume operations.
According to the company, the device permits a change-over from assembling one product to another within minutes, allowing the system to work for both small and large batch assemblies. The basic system lists from $1,500.
In actual operation, the operator handles only the parts and the completed assemblies. This permits a continuous means of inspection by the operator for both the parts and the completed assemblies. The assembler is not required to touch the system itself.
Typically mounted on a floor pedestal or on the front of a work bench, the system incorporates a component called a Locator, into which the operator places the threaded component in the head-down position. Next, the parts to be assembled are placed in a nest on the Locator, above the shank of the fastener. The system is then activated by downward finger pressure on the Locator.
This movement activates a valve through which filtered, lubricated air passes and drives the motor. The motor drives the fastener into the assembly to a pre-set depth or torque. Release of the downward pressure disengages the motor drive, and the assembly can be removed. The Locator and screw driver bit can be interchanged with one another by simply backing off a thumb screw.
Except for the Locator and mounting hole for the air-operated screwdriver brand specified by the buyer, the Interdrive system is supplied from stock. The Locator can be designed to accommodate considerations for left or right-handed operation or for operators with physical handicaps.
Developed five years ago by Ralph P. Lydon, a retired engineer with thirty years experience in small and large assembly systems, the products have only been marketed locally. However, he is now actively recruiting manufacturers’ representatives and inquiries from manufactures. Interested parties should contact him at 2616 North 75th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53213 Tel: 414-476-9711. ©1985/2015 Fastener Industry News.
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