December 19, 1990 FIN – Known for over 30 years as a manufacturer of stainless steel and galvanized small diameter cable and wire rope, among other products. Loos & Co., Pomfret, Connecticut, is up and running with a new manufacturing division to produce aerospace fasteners.
The Aerospace Fastener Division is the seventh division of Loos & Co. and the fourth one to operate out of the company’s headquarters in Pomfret, located in the northeastern part of the state.
The division was established in January this year through the acquisition of the machinery and assets of Eagle Aerospace, which was owned by Frank DiRienzo.
DiRienzo, a 20-year veteran in the aerospace fastener field, has held positions with Air Industries, Litton Industries, and other companies in Canada. He takes the title of general manager of the Aerospace Fastener Division.
What’s news at the division, according to DiRienzo, are a number of recent accomplishments. All workers have completed their training programs and a computerized SPC program has been installed to oversee production. More recently, DiRienzo tells FIN, the company has been licensed by the Philips Screw Co. to produce Torq0Set and Posi-Driv fasteners, and an application for accreditation by the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation is currently being reviewed.
The Aerospace Fastener Division is producing from stainless steel, inconel, monel, and other aerospace alloys, lines of solid rivets from 1/16 in. to 5/15 in. diameters and also machine screws from #4 to 5/16 in. diameters. According to Loos & Co., there are no plans to enter the commercial fastener field. The Aerospace Division markets direct and trough distribution its MS, AN, and NAS products entirely to the aerospace industry.
At its headquarters, Loos operates three other divisions besides the Aerospace Fastener Division. They include the Wire Division, the Wire Rope Technology Division, and the Fiber Optics Technology Division.
In Naples, Florida, Loos & Co. operates the Cableware Technology Division, the Brushking Division, and the Mascots Unlimited Division.
Together those divisions produce stainless steel, high carbon and alloy wires; galvanized and stainless steel cables, plastic coated cable and chain/cable assemblies; cable hardware, fittings, and terminals and tools; fiber optic light guides; and tools for the professional gardener.
The company was founded by Gus Loos who is still active as chief executive officer. Richard “Dick” Philips, is president of the new Aerospace Fastener Division as well as the Wire and Wire Rope Technology Divisions.
Loos & Co. is headquartered at 1 Cable Rd., Pomfret, CT, 06258. Tel: (203) 928-7981. Fax #: (203) 928-6167. ©1990/2011 Fastener Industry News
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