January 1, 1992 FIN – Wisconsin-baed Wrought Washer Mfg. Inc. has been designated as recipient of the Ford Motor Co.’s prestigious “Q1” vendor quality award.

Wrought’s two-year-old Pleasant Prairie (Kenosha) operations, in particular was cited for its production of stainless steel and cold rolled parts being used by Ford’s Climate Control Division in Plymouth, Michigan.
Presenting the award to Wrought president Edward G. Pruim and his workers at a brief ceremony on November 21st, 1991, in Pleasant Prairie was Ford’s Dave Doolin, buyer, and Joseph S. Barraco, quality assistance engineer.
Among the criteria for the award, said Barraco, are effective advance quality planning, continuous quality improvement, continuous training of individuals at all levels and a comprehensive corrective action system that addresses the root cause and not the symptom in identifying potential problems.
In accepting the aware on behalf of Wrought’s 350 employees, Pruim said this is indicative of the direction on quality that Wrought has taken since his takeover in 1986. In 1991, Wrought was listed in the Wisconsin Employer Honor Roll of the state’s major privately held companies ranked by employment.
With sales more than doubling since 1986 to over $35 million annually, Pruim remains optimistic about a bright future for Wrought Washer, it’s employees and the Wisconsin manufacturing environment.
Serving a customer base of nearly 3,000 manufacturers, Wrought is the only full-line manufacturer of steel washers and related stamping in the United States. Wrought Washer presses process over 65 million pounds of steel per year in its 325,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing facilities.
The company’s headquarters address is 2100 S. Bay St., Milwaukee, WI 53207. Tel: (414) 744-0771. Fax (414) 482-0144.  ©1992/2014 Fastener Industry News.
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Related Links:

• Wrought Washer