February 9, 1994 FIN – The Industrial Fastener Institute has inaugurated an Environment, Safety & Health (ESH) Committee for its member companies.

The new committee is an outgrowth of the Fastener Industry Noise Control Research Program, (FINCRP), which has provided noise control and hearing conservation services to participating fastener manufacturing companies since 1974.
Expanding coverage now includes all occupational (OSHA) and environmental (EPA) matters. The consulting services of Moran Associates and Cochran Environmental Resources have been retained to monitor and assist ITI member companies with compliance on occupational and environmental issues, respectively. Edwin H. Toothman, former Bethlehem Steel Corp noise specialist serves as chairman of the program.

ESH provides a singe forum whereby IFI members can:

Enhance environmental, safety & health conditions throughout the fastener industry.
Share experiences and discuss solutions to problems on a firsthand basis.
Monitor regulatory, legislative and consensus standards activities and intervene as necessary to achieve acceptable regulations.
Conduct research as necessary to solve unique problems.
Develop newsletters and consultation to disseminate information on current innovative approaches.

The following represents a sample of topics to be covered within the new committee:  Hazard communication, MSDS labeling, SARA Title III, lockout/tagout, underground storage tanks, confined space, solid waste disposal, hazard waste/spill response, Clean Air Act amendments, storm water discharge, blood borne pathogens, Clean Water Act, medical surveillance and machine guarding.

Research reports on machine noise reduction and hearing conservation developed since 1974 under the FINCRP program, and available up to this time only to the general industry. These in depth reports display good fastener industry intent to OSHA of the progress made to improve workplace conditions. Broad implementation of these reports is intended to lessen hearing loss throughout the metal working industry.

The Industrial Fasteners Institute, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, is an association of 90 North American manufacturers of bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and all other types of industrial and aerospace fasteners and formed parts. Suppliers of materials, machinery, equipment and/or services are associate members. The IFI headquarters address is East Ohio Building, 1717 East Ninth St. #1105, Cleveland, OH 44114-2879.  ©1994/2010 Fastener Industry News







Related Links:

• Industrial Fasteners Institute