The 2020 Taiwan International Fastener Show has been postponed from April to October due to the Wuhan coronavirus.

It is now slated for October 14-16, 2020, at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.

“After comprehensive consideration of the new coronavirus epidemic, the organizer decided to extend the exhibition date,” according to the official statement.  Web:

Estimates of coronavirus cases vary by reporting agencies and change daily.  According to the World Health Organization, as of February 23 there were 78,811 confirmed cases in China with 2,445 deaths.  Outside of China, there were 1,769 confirmed cases with 17 deaths.  The Taipei area had 26 confirmed cases with one death.  

The distance between Wuhan, where the virus originated, and Taipei is 586 miles – including about 110 miles of the Straits of Taiwan.  It is 220 miles from Taipei to Kaohsiung.

The fifth biennial TIFS in 2018 drew 2,193 overseas visitors with 27.5% from China and 31.3% from the next four largest nations combined: Japan, India, the U.S. and Germany.

The trade show is organized by the Taiwan Industrial Fastener Institute and TAITRA – the Taiwan External Trade Development Council.

TAITRA stated that the Taiwan government has taken comprehensive measures to protect the health of the public from the global outbreak.

“Taiwan reacted swiftly to news of the novel coronavirus outbreak and the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control immediately activated the Central Epidemic Command Center in order to integrate resources across the government and networks of public health experts.”

Taiwan has “active surveillance and screening systems for disease control, such as Infrared Thermal Image Scanning (ITIS), at all major airports and ports to ensure the safety and well-being of visitors to Taiwan.”

“Infection control drills are being conducted locally in Taiwan at healthcare facilities to minimize the impact of the outbreak, and guidance for public transportation, public gatherings and educational institutions on prevention measures have been issued to reduce the risk of spreading the novel coronavirus,” TAITRA added.

Founded in 1970, TAITRA is a nonprofit trade promoting organization sponsored by the government and industry organizations.  TAITRA has 1,300 specialists and operates five Taiwan offices and 60 branches worldwide.  It is co-organized by the Kaohsiung city government.

For information, contact show manager Jessica Cheng at TAITRA Exhibition Department in Taipei.  Tel: (886) 2 2725 5299  Email: