Attendees fill the aisles at STAFDA’s convention in Atlanta (courtesy STAFDA).
The Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association will hold its 34th annual convention beginning Sunday at the Phoenix Convention Center.
STAFDA reported there will be more than 700 booths at the 2010 trade show on Monday and Tuesday. Up to 4,000 STAFDA members are expected to participate.
The Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association will hold its 34th annual convention beginning Sunday at the Phoenix Convention Center.
STAFDA reported there will be more than 700 booths at the 2010 trade show on Monday and Tuesday. Up to 4,000 STAFDA members are expected to participate.
STAFDA was founded in 1977 as a not-for-profit educational trade association comprised of distributors, manufacturers, and rep agents of light construction, industrial, and related products.
The original executive director – Morrie Halvorsen – had left his job as vice president for marketing at ITT Phillips Drill in 1977 to take over the fledgling organization with 18 charter members. He ventured out on 100% commission and started working in his home at a small desk and doing his own typing.
The 2010 convention includes:
• STAFDA president Robert Devers will give the Distribution State-of-the-Industry address and Andy Johnson, president of Mar-Mac Wire Inc. will give the Associate State-of-the-Industry speech.
• Alan Beaulieu of the Institute for Trend Research will give an update on the economy.
• Sarah Palin – the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee – will be the keynote speaker.
• Workshops and speakers are: “Build an Online Marketing Machine,” Bob DeStefano, president, SVM E-Business Solutions; “Differentiate Your Distribution Company,” Bill McCleave, president, W.R. McCleave & Associates; “How to Win the Battle on Price,” Tom Reilly, president, Tom Reilly Training; and “The Outlook for Distributor Bank Credit” panel of Jay Heilbrunn and Herb Shields, principals of The Distributor Board. ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com
For the history of STAFDA click on Fastener History and scroll down to “1999 FIN – Halvorsen Retires After 23 Years of Building STAFDA.”
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