1Shot, Böllhoff, Bryce, Grabber, ITW, MaThread, Penn Engineering, Simpson Strong-Tie and Stanley Engineered Fastening were honored with the 2019 Fastener Innovation Award.

Honorees were presented a 12-inch acrylic desk globe by Replogle.

The new award is judged by Mike McGuire’s WorldwideFastenerSources.com. The website “wants to recognize the people and companies that are leading the way to specific performance with new fastener development, innovation and design.” 

Fasteners are thought of in specifying fastening applications, not as an afterthought of how to assemble the product.  

“A driving force in the evaluation process is that the fasteners be innovative in assemblies today and that they will be tomorrow’s standard.”

For information: mMcGuire@WorldwideFastenerSources.com.