1/30/2013 8:35:00 AM

Beyond the statistics here is a sampling of comments from End of 2012 FIN Survey participants.

General Comments

“More consolidation in the industry and more to come.”

“Between IFI, NFDA, and the regional associations we are too splintered. We need a single voice for the industry.”

“Quality is taking a backseat to price. It is the customer’s prerogative to make this choice, but we could see more field failures arise as a result.”

“Still an apparent lack of profit motive. Price, price, price!”

“Strong but still dicey.”

“The auto sector is our main and steady and strong.”

“We have seen a real improvement in willingness to work with the distribution networks.”

“Getting harder to be a domestic fastener manufacturer.”

“China is our biggest threat.”

“It could be a golden time to be a manufacturer if Congress/White House can get out of the way of the market.”

“It seems that the fastener industry is not developing enough young people that are committed to becoming ‘fastening specialists.'”

“The mainstream generation is getting older. Younger generation just wants profits, not to manufacture.”

“(Fastener industry) will continue as long as something needs to be assembled.”

“Overall sense of cautious optimism.”

“Love it!”


What was your company’s biggest challenge in 2012?

“Customers lacking confidence in future.”

“Finding and keeping good employees.”

“Keeping inventories under control with the uncertainty of what the economy is going to do in 2013.”

“Rising costs and lower selling prices.”

“Some of our customers for imports are now importing themselves.”

“Time & labor allocation was our biggest challenge in meeting the increased demand.”

“Trying to outsmart competition.”