1/31/2013 12:00:00 PM

B/E Aerospace reported sales at its consumables management segment (CMS), including fasteners, increased 24.1% to $1.17 billion in 2012. Segment operating earnings gained 18.4% to $216.7 million for the year, with adjusted operating margin of 20% — an increase of 10 basis points.
Full-year CMS results included robust fourth-quarter sales growth, with revenue gaining 28.9% to $301.8 million and operating earnings climbing 28.6% to $54.8 million.

“Our revenue growth continues to be driven primarily by the robust new aircraft delivery cycle,” stated CEO Amin Khoury.

Consolidated revenue increased 23.4% to $3.08 billion, while net earnings grew 28% to $291.3 million in 2012. ©2013 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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