7/16/2013 12:31:00 AM
Jim Barker
Fastener companies need to continue advancement in technology, keynote speakers told 200+ executives at the CEO Summit opening the Shanghai Fastener Expo.
The four-hour Summit,” drew 200+ executives from North America, India, Singapore and China and was co-organized by Chinafastener.com and the Shanghai Fastener Industry Association at the Shanghai Grand Hyatt.
• Trifast plc CEO Jim Barker focused on customers needing “a solution or the product itself” and emphasized that “today you cannot just supply the product to the customer drawing and walk away. The demands are for a complete supply solution, requiring early involvement in the design.”
Trifast’s multinational OEM customers require “our product on a least three continents,” Barker observed. “While the design centres may be in America, the product may be required in Shanghai, Thailand, Houston, Czech Republic, England and Turkey.”
Logistics have to be “inventive and efficient,” with lead times and stock holding the responsibility of the fastener supplier, which has wide ranging implications for the management of foreign exchange and anti dumping issues.”
• Fastener + Fixing Magazine executive editor Phil Matten, said Chinese fastener companies need to be aware of the “critical importance of delivering genuine and credible brand values.” The Chinese Fastener Industry itself was a “global brand,” Matten observed.
Chinese manufacturers need to protect its brand from “negative impact of the activities of a minority of fastener exporters intent on circumventing EU trade defense measures by transhipment through third countries.”
The EU surveillance systems are “proving increasingly effective at identifying circumvented imports and custom authorities were levying massive back duties on importers as a result.”
• Gian Marco Dalpane, owner and managing director of Bulloneria Emiliana Srl and president of UDIB – the Italian association of fastener distributors, reflected on the challenging outlook for the Italian economy, concluding that, “in such an uncertain economic situation it is crucial to promote our products using new technologies and social media.”
UDIB is taking practical steps to “upgrade our fastener system,” including adopting a Italian fastener bar code system to share technical information and ensure easier traceability and logistics.
Dalpane envisions the development of an international fasteners network and concluded that “we are all sharing the same boat.”
• Feng Jinyao, servicing chairman of the China Fastener Industry Association and general manager of Shanghai SQB Automotive Fasteners, outlined steps the automotive fastener manufacturers in China need to take to reach global quality standards.
• Robert Shieh, president of Brighton Best International, told how online trading had yielded a sevenfold increase in BBI’s supplied tonnage over the last four years. I
Brighton Best is project doubling tonnage sale to the U.S. in the next three years.
Most will be in medium and low carbon lines and stainless steel.
BBI believes it has “revolutionized the industry through web sales”, achieving economies of scale via an in-house developed IT system that allowed the company the scalability and flexibility to adapt.
Recognizing that fasteners are a commodity, and that Brighton Best sells a product people “need, not want” means customers seek “the highest overall value,” Shieh said. For Brighton Best that means a “broad and deep inventory, competitive prices, customer service, quality products and a “relentless focus on execution.”
• Wilhelmus Romijnders, commercial director of Nedschroef Herentals N.V. citing technology advances including Nedschroef multi die cold heading technology and tool design reducing machining, saving material and rapid changeover features.
The ultimate goal is reduced operating costs and enhanced machine performance through a combination of modular, innovative and reliable machine solutions. In addition to new machine features, there can be advances through retrofitting, tooling development and training. ©2013 Fastener+Fixing Magazine and GlobalFastenerNews.com
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