6/21/2013 12:01:00 PM

Kevin Reidl of Hodell-Natco is the new president of the National Fastener Distributors Association and Paul Tiffany of Copper State Bolt & Nut is vice president.

Reidl succeeds Jay Queenin of Specialty Bolt & Screw Inc.

Reidl started in fasteners “officially” in 1999 with Hodell-Natco after post-college working in real estate development. “I’m a second-generation family member in our business, so ‘unofficially’ I started in grade school,” Reidl noted.

His Hodell-Natco roles started in operations and moved to GM of the Cleveland branch, where he gained sales experience. He was promoted to executive VP in 2006 and president in 2011.

Tiffany’s entire career since a college internship has been with Copper State.

Sara Mallo is the new associate chair.  Currently vice president of sales for Rotor Clip Company, she started in the fastener industry in 1981 as a receptionist in the Iowa branch of Earnest Machine Products.  Subsequently she has held sales roles with Global Fasteners & Supply, Meyer Retaining Ring and GL Huyett and was president of GF&D Systems.

New NFDA board members are Giovanni Cespdes, Falcon Metal Corporation; Kameron Dorsey, Beacon Fasteners; Casey McIlhon, Assembled Products; and Pieter van Kalmthout, Metric Fasteners Corporation.

The new leaders were announced at the NFDA meeting at the Intercontinental Hotel Chicago O’Hare.

Completing board terms are: Tom Buddenbohn, Technology Components Southwest; Steen Hansen, Bossard North America; Bob Porteous, Porteous Fastener Company; and past president Matt Ulrich, Assembled Products.

Reidl reported NFDA distributor membership was up to 75 from 69 a year ago. Overall membership including associates and life members edged up from 129 a year ago to 131.

Reidl reported NFDA assets now total $315,698. Reidl noted that though the NFDA lost $36,547 in 2012, but that included a $50,000 “breakage” fee when the board dropped SmithBucklin as its management firm and retained Vickie Lester as executive VP.

The next NFDA meetings are: November 5-7, 2013, in Maui, Hawaii; February 12-15, 2014, in Indian Wells, CA; and June 17-19, 2014 in New Orleans.

The NFDA office is located at 10842 Noel St. #107, Los Alamitos, CA 90702. Tel: 714 484-4747 Web: NFDA-fastener.org ©2013 GlobalFastenerNewes.com

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