6/28/2013 12:01:00 AM

Former STAFDA president Kramer Darragh of the Little Rock, AR-based Darragh Co., met with Rep. Tom Cotton during the first

Former STAFDA president Kramer Darragh of the Little Rock, AR-based Darragh Co., met with Rep. Tom Cotton during the first “Congressional Fly-In.”

The first Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association conducted its first “Congressional Fly-In” for members to meet with senators and representatives.

The June 3-4, 2013, program included a training session by Stephanie Vance of Advocacy Associates.

STAFDA members visited offices of Sens. Charles Schumer (D-NY), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA); and House members Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Elizabeth Esty (D-CT), Steve Womack (R-AR), Ann Wagner (R-MO), Tom Mclintock (R-CA), Chris Collins (R-NY), Tom Cotton (R-AR).

Vance advised STAFDA members to open visits with a greeting, then “make the ask” by appealing to their intellect, tell a personal story and relate it to the legislator.  Follow-up suggestions include scheduling a visit of the member’s company to the local congressional office.

Founded in 1976, STAFDA has 2,462 North American distributor, manufactures, rep agent and affiliate members serving the light construction/industrial market. For information contact STAFDA. Tel: 262 784-4774  Email: info@stafda.org Web: stafda.org ©2013 GlobalFastenerNews.com