2/18/2014 12:02:00 PM
Texas Distributor Using Cloud System to Track Inventory & Up Sales

MEDIA SPOTLIGHT – FMW Fasteners was in CIO magazine for implementing cloud-based ERP software.

“The Houston-based company grew up much like its fastener industry peers, running its business systems in-house and selling through inside and outside sales reps,” CIO reporter John Moore wrote. “FMW, however, has evolved to a new model: Running its operations in the cloud.”

FMW deployed NetSuite planing software and the cloud vendor’s customer relationship management and commerce offerings.

FMW sales manager Steve Baker told CIO that the cloud eliminates managing on-premises IT, helps agility and provides for growth.

“It has completely transformed the business and what we were able to do and our sense of the possibilities of what we could get done.”

Sererra Consulting Group adapted cloud software for fastener use. Cloud services in vertical niches such as fasteners usually require customization and industry-specific support has been limited, according to CIO. 

“In the past, there wasn’t enough demand to permit these companies to make the necessary investments … and also not enough hands-on experience to develop the necessary expertise to know what was really required from a delivery point of view,” Jeff Kaplan, managing director of ThinkStrategies, told CIO. But growing cloud-based software demand encourages further development.

FMW started with Salesforce.com, which led into adopting NetSuite.

The fastener distributor went through different ERP systems. 

“After two product evaluations and then migrating off of one platform to another, we really wanted to step back and take a hard look at what would really allow us to grow without doing any additional migrations,” Baker said.

Founded in 1986, FMW Fasteners is located at 1438 N. Post Oak Rd., Houston, TX 77055. Tel: 713 688-6021  Web: fmwfasteners.com

Editor’s Note: Articles in Media Spotlight are excerpts from publications or broadcasts, which show the industry what the public is reading or hearing about fasteners and fastener companies.

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