Jason Sandefur

John Sutherland of Sutherland Industrial Sales was elected president of the New England Fastener Distributors Association.
Sutherland succeeds Tim Cleary of Eckart & Finard, who was named chairman of the board. \Bill Donahue Jr. of Arnold Supply was elected vice president; Scott Graham of Tri-State Fasteners, treasurer; and Pat Burdidge continues as secretary.
New board members are: Scott Graham of Tri-State Fasteners, Rick Rudolph of Wurth/Eastern Fasteners and Ned Whalen of Autofast. Nick Panasian of Nylok Corp. was named as associate board member.
Upcoming events include the fall membership meeting on September 13-15, 2003, at Black Point Inn in Prouts Neck, ME; the third annual Fall Fling golf outing on October 3; and an educational seminar on October 24 in Ledyard, CT.
For NEFDA information contact Pat Burbidge. Tel: 508 842-9770 Fax 508 842-2442 E-mail: patburbidge@msn.com Web: nefda.com �2002 FastenerNews.com