Manufacturers’ Economist Speaking at STAFDA Fly-In
Chad Moutray, chief economist for the National Association of Manufacturers, will brief Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association members on the economy at the Specialty Tools and Fasteners Distributors Association’s second Congressional Fly-In.
Association members can meet with congressional offices in Washington DC during the June 11-12, 2014, Fly-In program.
Moutray is NAM’s forecaster and spokesperson on economic issues. His economy column is posted each Monday on the members-only section of STAFDA.org.
The Fly-In is designed for STAFDA members to meet with members of Congress and staffers on key issues affecting the industry, learn about public policy and develop relationships with elected officials.
STAFDA has partnered with Advocacy Associates, a Washington lobbyist group, to schedule at least three Capital Hill meetings for participants.
Association members may participate in multiple states/districts sessions. Constituents from same states/districts will be grouped together for meetings.
Stephanie Vance of Advocacy Associates will conduct a May 15 webinar to prep STAFDA members for the Fly-In. In Washington, Vance will follow up with a Wednesday evening training session prior to Thursday breakfast and meetings.
The registration form asks if the STAFDA member has any personal relationships with members of Congress and what they feel key issues are: Domestic economic policy, energy & natural resources, EPA regulations, healthcare costs, foreign affairs and labor relations.
Tax questions include corporate taxes, investment tax rates, R&D tax credits, individual alternative minimum tax (AMT), estate and the Marketplace Fairness Act – or “Internet tax.”
For information contact STAFDA. Tel: 262 784-4774 or 800 352-2981 Email: info@stafda.org Web: stafda.org
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