12/16/2014 1:36:00 AM
Capital and Batten to Rep AZ Llifting Hardware

Capital Marketing and Batten Company are new reps for AZ Lifting Hardware, president Chuck Smith announced.

Capital Marketing was established in 2002 by industry veteran Robbie Gilchrist to represent fastener related manufacturers’ products to fastener and specialty tool distributors. Gilchrist started in the fastener industry in 1972. In 1985 he opened Capital Fasteners in 1985 and sold the distributorship in 1999. 

Capital Marketing will rep AZLH in Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and eastern Georgia. and the Batten Company, to cover Alabama, Georgia (W), Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee. Tel: 336 906-940 Email: rgilchr485@aol.com  Web: capital-marketing.com 

Batten Company is owned by Randy Batten, who started his career in 1981 with J R Richards of Chattanooga, TN.  Batten will rep AZLH in Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee and western Georgia. Tel: 205 401-7929 Email: batten11@gmail.com

“The addition of these two fine organizations will help us better serve our current customers as well as meet with folks we are not doing business with to introduce our products and the services that make us unique in the marketplace.” Smith said. “We can do a much better job in the southeast and now we’ll have the team to make it happen.”

AZ Lifting Hardware is a wholesale distributor of globally produced industrial lifting hardware such as turnbuckles, eye bolts, shackles, hooks and related wire and chain hardware and a manufacturer of Special length eye bolts through 1 1⁄2” (36mm) diameter. They have served the fastener, rigging and industrial distribution markets since 2006. AZLH is located at 7150 W. Roosevelt St. Ste C101, Phoenix, AZ 85043.  Tel: 888-936-1466 Web: azliftinghardware.com

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