1/27/2015 7:35:00 PM
Skilled Workers Focus of AWPA

A lack of skilled workers will be a topic at the American Wire Producers Association annual meeting.

A recent Manufacturing Institute report found 600,000 unfilled manufacturing jobs and 70% of manufacturers indicate a lack of skilled workers is limiting expansion.  By 2030, 77% of skilled baby boomers will have retired, creating a greater gap.

The annual AWPA meeting will be February 25-27, 2015, at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, AZ.

•  James Wall, executive director of the National Institute for Metalworking Skills will discuss how job standards, certification programs and apprenticeships are helping develop skilled workers.

• Philip Bell, president of the Steel Manufacturers Association, will discuss the wire rod market outlook.

The AWPA annual meeting program also includes committee meetings and time for active/associate member business meetings; awards reception. Web: awpa.org

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