December 29, 1986 FIN – Rotor Clip Co., Somerset, New Jersey, has announced that it has been awarded three automotive quality awards for its Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques in the production of retaining rings.

The awards include a GM Spear 2, a Ford Q1, and a Chrysler QE (Quality Excellence).
To be considered for these awards, a supplier must design and implement a full quality system capable of meeting stringent automotive requirements. This includes institution of a full traceability system from incoming material to final product.
Rotor Clip uses computers in its QA program that are directly interfaced to testing equipment. The equipment performs statistical calculations and plots assisting operators in the decisions to control processes.
Rotor Clip is a 28-year-old company. which produces retaining rings (including metric), self-tightening hose clamps, and bevel and disc washers. The company is located at 187 Davidson Ave., Somerset, New Jersey 08873. ©1986/2015 Fastener Industry News.
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