October 6, 2015 – Fastener Testing, Fastener Training Institute, at Atlas Testing Laboratories, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Web: FastenerTraining.org
October 8, 2015 – Print Reading Seminar, Mid-West Fastener Association, Chicago. Web: mwfa.net
October 13, 2015 – Fastener Basics, FTI, Holiday Inn, La Mirada, CA.
October 21, 2015 – Fastener Technology Workshop, FTI, Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas, in conjunction with the National Industrial Fastener & Mill Supply Expo.
October 21, 2015 – Are You Making the Most of Specials?, Pacific-West Fastener Association, Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas. Web: Pac-West.org
November 2, 2015 – Fastener Training Week, Industrial Fasteners Institute and FTI, Cleveland, OH.
November 5, 2015 – Fork Lift Training Class, MWFA, Chicago.
Additional classes are added by multiple associations so watch for announcements. For example, FTI held a webinar on Hydrogen Embrittlement in September.