10/7/2015 1:08:00 AM

Booth sales for the 7th Fastener Fair Stuttgart – the largest fastener trade show in the world – have begun.

The next biennial Stuttgart trade show will be March 28-30, 2017, at the Stuttgart Exhibition Center, adjacent to Stuttgart’s international airport. 

Early booking prices begin at Euro2,079 (US$2,338) for a 100 sq meter stand with one side open to aisle (slightly larger than a 10’x10’ traditional U.S. booth).  A stand equivalent to four U.S. booths with four sides open to the aisles is EUR 255 (US$285) per sq meter, or about US$9,476.

Fastener Fair Stuttgart is oriented toward European and international markets and includes both distribution and manufacturing exhibitors.

The 2015 Stuttgart trade show in Germany drew 11,060 visitors and 833 exhibiting companies totaling 18,500 square meters of net exhibit space.

Contact: Mack Brooks Exhibitions, Fastener Fairs, Romeland House, Romeland Hill, St. Albans, Herts AL3 4ET, UK. Tel: (44) 1727 814 400 Fax: (44) 1727 814 501 Email: info@fastenerfair.com Web: fastenerfair.com