10/7/2015 3:20:00 AM
(l-r) Kevin Chavis, Dallas Puckett and MaryEllen Dinicola (courtesy Pac-West)
Kevin Chavis of Star Stainless Screw was elected president of the Pacific-West Fastener Association, and MaryEllen Dinicola of Socket Source was elected vice president.
The announcement was made at Pac-West’s autumn meeting in Albuquerque, NM.
Dallas Puckett of Valley Nut & Bolt Co. will serve as treasurer.
Chavis succeeds Rick Peterson of All-West Components & Fasteners.
Pac-West board members for 2015-16 are Mark Beaty, Beawest Fasteners; Corey Bell, THB; Hans Fuller, Fuller Metric Parts; Alison Hubbard; Chris McCaffrey, R&D Fasteners; Tim Roberto Jr., Star Stainless Screw; John Wachman, Desert Distribution; and Clay Weaver, Industrial Threaded Products.
Pac-West will offer a seminar on fastener specials taught by Carmen Vertullo of Carver Consulting on October 20 at the National Industrial Fastener & Mill Supply Expo in Las Vegas. For information: pac-west.org.
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