John Wolz

Wire Expo 2004 and the Wire Association International’s 74th annual convention will include the operations manager’s meeting of the American Wire Producers Association.
The events will be June 12-16, 2004, at the Cleveland Convention Center.
Wire Expo highlights includes 55 technical paper presentations; a fundamentals of wire manufacturing course; failure analysis course with lab; BCS Cuyahoga ferrous plant tour; and ferrous wire operations cost reductions; and 260 exhibiting companies.
New business tracks include an executive panel on Evolving your organization for success; an industry outlook panel on State of manufacturing in the U.S.; a plant management operations panel; and a roundtable talk on patents.
Sponsors include the Industrial Fasteners Institute, American Society of Metallurgists, Society of Plastics Engineers, Wire & Cable Industry Suppliers Association and the Asociacion Nacional de Transformadores de Acero of Mexico. Web: