A2LA Accreditations
Jason Sandefur
The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) recently announced accreditations for testing fasteners:
Cardinal Fastener & Specialty Co. Inc. of Bedford Heights, OH, was accredited in physical testing, metallographic evaluation and dimensional testing.
Industrial Products Co. of Lynchburg, VA, was accredited in physical and dimensional testing.
Jing Fong Industry Co. Ltd. of Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C., was accredited in physical testing, metallographic evaluation and dimensional testing.
Lake Erie Products of Frankfort, IL, was accredited in mechanical, metallographic and dimensional testing.
Nemak Engineering Centre of Windsor, Ontario, was accredited in mechanical testing.
NIFAST Corp. of Carol Stream, IL, was accredited in physical and dimensional testing.
Science and Engineering Laboratory of Hill AFB, UT, was accredited in mechanical and chemical testing.
Sherry Laboratories of Indiana LLC. in Daleville, IN, was accredited in mechanical testing, chemical analysis and metallographic evaluation.
Textron Fastening Systems – Torx Products Q.A. Laboratory of Rochester, IN, was accredited in physical testing, metallographic evaluation and dimensional testing.
A2LA is located at 5301 Buckeystown Pike, Suite 350, Frederick, MD 21704-8373. Tel: 301 644-3248 Fax 301 662-2974 E-mail: info@a2la.org Web: a2la.org �2006 FastenerNews.com