Jason Sandefur
Following news that Canada placed 5-year tariffs on certain steel screw imports from Taiwan and China, reaction from Canadian fastener companies was mixed. In a special edition of the 2004 FIN Survey of the Fastener Industry, about 70% of respondents claimed fasteners from Asia have a negative affect on the Canadian market. Nearly 60% of executives responding to the survey supported tariffs on Asian fasteners.
“Duties should be on Chinese fasteners, not Taiwan,” replied one fastener executive. “Very nutty!” exclaimed another. “The anti-dumping issue is another example of knee jerk Canadian government reaction. This is killing the collated screw fastener industry.”
Other executives applauded the decision. “We won the case against China and Taiwan on all screw products and look forward to the new opportunities,” one executive commented. “Unless dumping of fasteners is eliminated the future of (North American) fastener manufacturers will be very bleak,” another respondent warned.
For more information, visit cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/sima or citt.gc.ca. �2005 FastenerNews.com