WAFD RoHS Conference Features Riley, Lowry; Greenslade, Vertullo Teach LAFA Specifications Workshop

John Wolz

Jim Riley of Stork Materials Testing & Inspection and Brian Lowry of Curtis Metal Finishing Company will discuss the European Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) status at a Western Association of Fastener Distributors Association conference.

The conference, in conjunction with the National Industrial Fastener Show/East in Columbus, OH, will be on Monday afternoon, May 1, 2006. The trade show will be on Tuesday.

The Los Angeles Fastener Association will conduct its “Dimensional & Material Specification” one-day workshop. Joe Greenslade of Greenslade & Company and Carmen Vertullo of SimplyBetter are the instructors.

The deadline for advance discount prices for the conferences is April 15, 2006. For information contact Vickie Lester. Tel: 562 425-1721 E-mail: wafdhq@aol.com
For trade show or registration information: fastenershows.com �2006 FastenerNews.com