Ramsdale Pleased by Fastener Fair in Heart of UK’s Fastener Industry

John Wolz

Show organizers reported Fastener Fair Coventry 2006 drew 130 exhibitors and more than 1,000 visitors from the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Coventry is in the West Midlands area, which has the greatest concentration of fastener companies in the UK. A total of 37% of the visitors came from the UK’s West Midlands area.
Visitors came from all other regions on the UK, including Scotland and Wales, plus Ireland. Though it is marketed as a UK trade show, 7% came from outside the British Isles.

Fastener Fair records “actual people through the door, excluding exhibitors,” rather than total registration. Show management reported that increased pre-registration reduced queuing at the entrance. Approximately 200 advance registrants did not attend.

Fastener Fair was one of the first events to take place at the new Coventry Arena. Show organizer Jerry Ramsdale found that the “venue worked really well” and “so it has been an easy choice to return” in 2008 when there will be a new casino, restaurants and hotels.

Comic Adam Walsh entertained at the dinner overlooking Coventry’s championship football pitch. A table collection at the gala dinner raised �1200 (US$2,141) for Clic Sargent, a charity that supports children with leukemia, and their families. Fastener Fair selects a charity being championed by someone in the fastener industry. Chris Garritty, managing director of Action Can Ltd., recommended Clic Sargent.

The next Fastener Fair will be September 19-20, 2007, in Stuttgart, Germany. E-mail: jerry@fastfair.net Web: FastenerFair.com
�2006 FastenerNews.com