Distributors’ Association Publishes Strategy Report

John Wolz

The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors will release the eighth edition of its distribution strategy report, Facing the Forces of Change: Lead the Way in the Supply Chain in the first quarter of 2007.
NAW’s Distribution Research & Education Foundation and Pembroke Consulting wrote the report to provide wholesaler-distributors, manufacturers, suppliers and customers with business and economic trends affecting the supply chain through 2012. The report was researched and written by Pembroke president and DREF fellow Adam Fein.
Facing the Forces of Change is based on in-depth interviews and survey responses with senior distribution executives, manufacturers, customers, analysts, professors, and association executives. The 2007 report reviews previous report data and assesses past predictions. For ordering information contact Vicky Walsh. Tel: 202 872-0885 Web: naw.org/ftf07
NAW is a federation of more than 100 wholesale distribution trade associations plus individual firms that collectively total more than 40,000 companies. Web: naw.org
Pembroke Consulting provides advice to manufacturing, distribution, and technology executives. Web: PembrokeConsulting.com �2006-07 FastenerNews.com