FIN Company Performance Index

John Wolz

Please rate your company�s current performance with 10 as record growth and profits and 0 as bankruptcy.

The dropped to a new low of 5.6 showing the steepest drop in the eight-year history of the Index.
It was a 6.8 at the end of 2000, compared with a high of 7.9 in the first year, 1994.
Prior to 2001�s 1.2-point drop, the previous fastest drop was from the end of 1997 to the end of 1998, when it fell 0.9 points from 7.8 to 6.9.
Just one company rated itself at the perfect 10. Last year 5.3% of respondents gave their companies a 10, compared with 0.7% for 2001.
No company was rated at �0� for bankruptcy, but �2� through �4� totaled nearly a quarter � 24.1% � or more than double the 9.1% for 2000.
Less than 10% rated their companies in the 8 to 10 rankings. \ �2002