U.S. Sets Anti-Dumping Duties on Nails
Jason Sandefur
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced anti-dumping duties on certain nails imported from China and the United Arab Emirates.
The ruling includes multiple types of steel nails up to 12 inches long, including collated nails for nail guns for commercial, residential and pallets. Roofing nails are not included in the ruling.
The duties range from 20.77% to 118.04% for certain steel nails from China, and preliminary antidumping margins of 4.47% for certain steel nails from the UAE.
The U.S. Customs & Border Protection will require importers to post a bond or cash deposit, pending the final determination of the investigations and duty amounts. Duties will be applied 90 days retroactively to certain Chinese companies.
The duties are the culmination of an investigation that began in May 2007 based on complaints filed by Maze Nails; Mid Continent Nail Corp.; Davis Wire Corp.; Gerdau Ameristeel Corp., Treasure Coast Fasteners Inc. and the United Steelworkers.
Tree Island Industries, a Canadian manufacturer of wire products for the construction, agricultural, manufacturing and industrial sectors, expects to gain from the ruling. “While we are cautious about the longevity of the protection provided by the ruling, it will have a positive impact on Tree Island in 2008,” CEO Daniel McAtee told the Daily Commercial News & Construction Record of Canada. “We manufacture nails only in North America and we have available capacity to meet the anticipated additional demand that this ruling may create.”
The United Steelworkers issued a statement applauding the ruling. “We must have a global marketplace that levels the playing field so that our manufacturers and our workers have a fair shot at being competitive. These rulings are a step in the right direction,” said USW president Leo Gerard.
International trade laws define dumping as when a product is exported at less than fair value and causes or threatens to cause material injury to a domestic industry in the importing country. \ �2008 FastenerNews.com