Dukes, Silver Reelected as WAFD Leaders
John Wolz
Suzanne Dukes and Dee Silver will continue to lead the Western Association of Fastener Distributors. Dukes, of San Diego-based Hayes Bolt & Supply, was reelected president and Silver, of Albuquerque-based Barnhill Bolt Co. Inc., will serve a second term as vice president.
Elected to the board are: John Gaudette, Metric & Multistandard, and Jim Kuffel, Bolt & Anchor & Supply. Kuffel also is the new secretary/treasurer.
WAFD has 76 member companies.
Upcoming WAFD events are: Distribution Software Showcase, April 7-8, 2008, in Phoenix; autumn conference, October 19-21, 2008, Somona, CA; and spring 2009 conference, April 1-4, 2009, Portland. For information contact executive director Vickie Lester. Tel: 562 596-2040 Fax 562 596-2940 E-mail: wafdhq@aol.com Web: wafd.org \ �2008 FastenerNews.com