Grey to Conduct MAFDA Basic Training Seminar
The Mid-Atlantic Fastener Distributors Association in conjunction with the Metropolitan Fastener Distributors Association is offering a Fastener Basic Training Seminar.
John Grey of Fastener Consulting Services Inc. will conduct the day-long seminar on Thursday, November 13, 2008, in Downington, PA. The seminar, including lunch, will be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., followed by a reception.
Seminar participants will receive printed materials. For topics at the seminar: Web:
MAFDA president Chuck Halpin said the seminar is part of a continuing educational series. “We are also very excited about our joint venture with our neighboring association – the (MFDA).”
The registration deadline is November 10. For information contact MAFDA administrator Jeannette Oakes. E-mail: Web: �2008