European Magazine Marks 100th Issue

Will Lowry
Phil Matten

UK-based Fastener + Fixing Magazine published its 100th issue.

Founded by Jerry Ramsdale in 1995, the magazine and Fastener Fair trade shows were acquired by Mack Brooks Exhibitions Group in 2010.

Editor Will Lowry announced the magazine is marking the 18th anniversary with a new design and style.

“We have looked to freshen up the pages whilst still keeping the content as detailed and thought-provoking as ever,” Lowry wrote.

Executive editor Phil Matten and publishing director Jamie Mitchell joined F+F in 2002 and played roles in developing the magazine as the Europe-wide fastener publication.

The print and online magazine and trade shows are located at Homeland House, Homeland Hill, St. Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4ET UK. Tel: (44) 727 814 400 Email: info@FastenerandFixing.com  Web: FastenerandFixing.com