Monogram Boosts Titanium Screw Capability
Monogram Aerospace Fasteners has increased its capability to produce seven types of titanium screws used by commercial airframe manufacturers.
Monogram, owned by TriMas Corp., said it has a full support structure of heading and machining equipment, as well as in-house processing and heat-treatment facilities designed for aerospace titanium applications. Monogram has established a dedicated screw manufacturing cell that employs lean principles to ensure efficient production of millions of screws annually.
“Airframe manufacturers are increasingly turning to titanium aerospace parts because of the metal’s light weight and its galvanic compatibility with carbon fiber reinforced composite structures,” the company stated.
Composite structures are used on the newest civil aircraft programs, such as the Boeing 787, Airbus A350 and Bombardier’s new C-Series airliners.
Monogram’s announcement comes months after the Los Angeles-based company was given a Chairman’s Award from BAE Systems, a global defense and aerospace company, for its blind bolt fastener that applies higher clamping strength. ©2009 GlobalFastenerNews.com
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