Automotive Fastener Plant Machinery Auction

Excess equipment not needed to support ongoing operations of Detroit Heading LLC to be auctioned.

Complete automotive fastener plant: National Cold Parts Former up to 1″; Formax Long Stroke Multi-Die, Boltmakers;
many 2 die 3 blow headers; medium and long stroke single die cold headers; high speed thread rollers, some with Washer Assembly Systems; bolt trim pressre; in-line wire drawers; automatic late model Fastener Washing Systems and Air Cleaning Systems.

Onsite & webcast auction will begin at 10 a.m. Tuesday, December 8, 2009, at 6421 Lynch Rd, Detroit, MI 48234.

For information:

Tel: 818 508-7034
Email: auction-sales@biditup.com

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• Biditup Auctions