(Courtesy Nucor Fastener)

(Courtesy Nucor Fastener)

Pressing its case for tariffs, Nucor Fastener has appealed the unanimous decision by the U.S. International Trade Commission to reject Nucor Fastener’s antidumping and countervailing petitions against certain standard fasteners from China and Taiwan.

Nucor Fastener attorney Alan Price called the 6-0 vote against tariffs “clearly erroneous.”

On November 6 the ITC unanimously rejected Nucor Fastener’s claims that standard fastener imports from China and Taiwan were being dumped domestically.

In its 137-page public report “Certain Standard Steel Fasteners from China and Taiwan,” the ITC concluded that standard fastener imports did not gain more market share from 2006 to 2008.

Likewise, the commission said Nucor Fastener “failed to provide adequate details” to support allegations that it was losing sales and revenues to cheaper imports.

In the notice of appeal, Price disagreed, saying Nucor Fastener provided “detailed evidence of injury.”

For complete coverage of Nucor’s trade dispute, subscribe to GlobalFastenerNews.com. ©2009 GlobalFastenerNews.com

Related Stories:

• Nucor Fastener Appeals ITC Vote, Presses Tariff Case Against China and Taiwan Imports

• ANTIDUMPING: Why the U.S. Trade Commission Rejected Tariffs

• Darling at Pac-West Session: Tariffs Won’t Stop Imports

• McGrath at NIFS/West: ‘Kiss Your Importer’ For Stopping Tariffs

Related Links:

• Click Here To Read Nucor Antidumping Appeal

• Click Here to Read Nucor Countervailing Appeal

• Nucor Fastener