Fastener Fair Stuttgart Moves to February; Show Extended to 3 Days for 2011

Fastener Fair Stuttgart will switch from an autumn show to February and expand to three days next year.

The show will be February 22-24, 2011, at Messe Stuttgart in Germany.

After a sell out of space in 2009, the show will add a third hall in 2011.

The 2009 FFS exhibit space totaled 625 exhibiting companies taking 107,600 net square feet – equivalent to 1,076 10×10 booths and drawing a total of 5,993 people entering the doors.

FFS organizer Jerry Ramsdale explained that with 2009 sold out and later booking exhibitors limited in space and location the 2011 show will expand from two to three halls totaling 30,000 gross sq. meters.

Ramsdale noted the biennial show almost tripled in space and exhibitors between 2005 and 2009.

“While the Fastener Fair ethos has always been to make its event time and cost effective, exhibitors and visitors have fed back that the time is now right to increase to three days,” Ramsdale said.

The additional day gives attendees more time to get around what organizers anticipate will be a larger show.

Fastener Fair will hold its opening night party and the three-day format will allow more exhibitors to hold hospitality events on the second show night.

The extended format adds set up time for exhibitors designing and building their own stands.

For machinery and equipment exhibitors the three-day set up and three-day exhibition format gives more time to present and demonstrate their equipment.

Fastener Fair Coventry – oriented toward the UK and Ireland markets – will be June 15-16, 2010, and Fastener Fair Budapest – for the Eastern Europe market – is September 6-7, 2010.

For Fastener Fair information contact Ramsdale. 18 Alban Park, Hatfield Rd., St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 0JJ UK. Tel: (44) 1727 739 150 Fax (44) 1727 831 033 ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com

Related Links:

• Fastener Fair