Steve Blue, CEO of Miller Ingenuity and a five-time author, will give the keynote presentation at Fastener Fair USA on transforming rust-belt companies to become high-tech leaders.

Blue will speak on “From Rust-Belt to High-Tech: Transform. Ignite. Disrupt,” at 9:00 am preceding the 10am ribbon-cutting opening of the trade show. The keynote is open to all show registrants.

In his keynote, Blue will offer guidance for senior executives to revitalize, reinvent, and rejuvenate their rust-belt companies to “an Olympic-level performance.” His presentation is based on his latest book, Metamorphosis: From Rust-Belt to High-Tech in a 21st Century World.

The second Fastener Fair USA will be May 22-23, 2019, at Cobo Center in Detroit.

Fastener Fair USA will feature two conference stages – for distributors sessions and a Tech Talks Theater. Fastener Fair previously announced 15 conference and training sessions. Web:  

There will be a welcome reception at the riverfront GM Renaissance Center. The 5pm to 8pm Wednesday reception is $20 per person and includes tours of GM cars.

Fastener Fair currently also has trade shows in India, Mexico, Italy, Turkey, France and what is considered the world’s largest fastener trade show – Fastener Fair Stuttgart.

The first Fastener Fair USA was held in 2018 in Cleveland. The U.S. office of organizer Mack Brooks Exhibitions is in Chicago. Tel: 312 809-9260 Email: Web: