Active Screw Acquires Action Threaded

Active Screw & Fastener acquired Action Threaded Products.

The suburban Chicago-based Active is a sourcing and inventory management company.

Countryside, IL-based Action Threaded Products is a fastener distributor specializing in stainless steel, ferrous, non-ferrous and specialty products.

“Active will enhance many segments of Action Threaded Products and will increase our current customer benefits,” Action president Raul Torres said. “And likewise, Action will support Active’s growth as a foremost supplier of parts and services to OEMs.”

Active CEO Buddy Blattner said there will be no change in Action’s management or service teams. Raul Torres will continue as Action president and report to Blattner. Tom Anderson will continue to lead the Action sales team.

Action will eventually be renamed to incorporate the Active name and rebrand all of Active to better identify each group’s different activities, but currently, no other changes are planned for Active’s structure, Blattner said.

“This is a thoughtful purchase of a company whose many years of fastener distribution experience and reputation for customer dedication matches ours,” Blattner said.

Active will invest in technology and coordinated sourcing efforts to maximize both companies’ strengths.

Founded 65 years ago, Active Screw business is focused on sourcing and inventory management for manufacturing components and suppliers.

Active has branches in Tucson and Charlotte and is headquartered at 5215 Old Orchard Rd. #700, Skokie, IL 60077. Tel: 847 967-0800 or 888 482-7323. Fax 847 967-0880. E-mail: bblattner@activescrew.com

Action is located at 5422 Danaher Rd. #5430, Countryside, IL 60625-3126. Tel: 708 482-7644. ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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Related Links:

• Active Screw