Mood at NIFS/West “Cautiously Upbeat”
Opening day at the 2010 National Industrial Fastener Show/West was a hit with many exhibitors.
The number of booths and total registration rose for the November 8-10, 2010, trade show at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The number of distributor and manufacturers were almost at 2009 numbers (see “NIFS/West By the Numbers“).
“We felt the show was much better than last year’s, however, still not as busy as in previous years,” said a veteran multi-booth exhibitor. “The mood was cautiously upbeat.”
“We had a fantastic show,” declared one happy exhibitor. “We were extremely busy on Tuesday and we had a couple of more leisurely, but important demos the second day.”
“The 2010 NIFS/West show was again one of the busiest for us. I did not stop talking for three days straight,” said an importer exhibitor who spent most of the time in customer meetings rather than on the show floor. “I was told by the staff as well as other vendors that this year was still very slow compared with 2007.”
Another exhibitor emphasized that the booth traffic isn’t the only measure of a company’s success. “The show was busy Tuesday until 1:30, then it was basically over. As in the past we had good meetings outside the show area.”
“Not much different than the last few years,” one domestic manufacturer summarized the 2010 trade show. “Don’t really see anyone new … just get the opportunity to meet with all my reps and a few customers that show up every year. I don’t think any of us think that this show is bringing us any new business.”
He noted some past multiple-booth exhibitors have cut to one booth. “No one wants to spend the money.”
“The show was very good for us,” an exhibitor reflected. “We had some strategic meetings for future sales and the rest is mostly PR and keeping our presence in the marketplace.”
“I flew home early on Wednesday as the second day is slow.”
“First day of the show was booming! Second day was a bust as usual – probably a good day for the hotel, casinos and vendors selling $3.50 water bottles. Exhibitors just wait it out.”
“Seemed to be a good first day, but second day was slow – which is normal. We like the second day as some customers are able to stop by and spend a bit more time.”
Numerous exhibitors were dismantling their booths by 12:15 p.m. – 45 minutes early. But show management was not in a position to enforce rules since NIFS co-owner Mike McGuire was packing up his booth early even though hundreds of people would be passing it as they exited.
“This year’s show was definitely more upbeat than 2009. I felt first day attendance was steady minus lunchtime. But unfortunately second day attendance seemed to be quite weak as it has been in the last few years. The show is slowly becoming a one-day event.”
The 2010 show “was kind of like business – better than ’09, but not as good as ’08. It would be a really good one-day show.”
The one-day peak is especially troublesome to the machinery exhibitors NIFS is trying to attract to expand the show beyond its distribution orientation.
“If we move machines half way around the world to only display basically one day is that enough?” a machinery exhibitor asked. “And being as this show is set up for our customers to sell their product I am not sure it is the way to go in the future.”
“The attendance is great, but many of the people that come to the Vegas show are sales people and we think the people that make decisions on machinery are from engineering.”
One machinery company will be selective in the type of machines it brings to this show and instead “push our customers to attend the show in Düsseldorf to discuss large machines.”
One suggested opening the machinery section on the conference day before the distribution side of the show opens. Only manufacturers could attend.
Several suggested boosting second day attendance with a drawing for attendees present at noon.
One suggested show management give away a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. “Then they’ll be there,” one said of distributors.
Another suggested a closing ceremony or reception at the end of the show.
Some suggested making it a one-day show. “An 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. event in my opinion,” said one.
On second day attendance, one domestic manufacturer suggested three options: 1. Cancel it; 2. Some giveaway; or 3. Free breakfast or free drinks.
Not a Penny
Association leaders continue to report they are unaware of any check NIFS management has ever written for any industry cause.
“We have a ‘give & take’ relationship with show management,” one industry leader observed. “We give and they take.”
One former association president recalled soliciting Bannister for a scholarship donation that was small enough to come from his wallet. The president said Bannister “snapped at me, ‘Don’t tell me how to spend my money’.”
Changes for 2011
NIFS is changing its name to the National Industrial Fastener & Mill Supply Expo and will move the show to the Sands Expo in Las Vegas.
After scheduling its West show within two weeks of STAFDA for its first 14 years, NIFS is moving its date earlier to October 19-21, 2011.
Instead of a conflicting schedule with STAFDA in 2011, NIFS will compete for exhibitors by adding a tool section for such traditionally-STAFDA products as abrasives, air tools, cutting tools, drills, hand tools, safety and plant maintenance supplies. Web: fastenershows.com ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com