A2LA Accreditations
Adrea Dettman
A2LA Accreditations
The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) recently announced accreditations for testing fasteners:
” Leigh Testing Labs Inc. of New Castle, DL was accredited in physical testing,and metallographic evaluation.
” QIT-Fer et Titane Steel Plant Laboratory of Tracy, Quebec, Canada, was accredited in chemical testing.
” Lawson Products Inc. of Des Plaines, IL was accredited in physical testing, and dimensional testing.
” Stork Climax Research Services Inc. of Wixom, MI was accredited in physical testing, chemical analysis, and metallographic evaluation.
” Caltrans Structural Materials Testing Laboratory of Sacramento, CA was accredited in physical and dimensional testing, and metallographic evaluation.
” St. Louis Testing Laboratories Inc. of St. Louis, MO was accredited in chemical analysis, metallographic evaluation and physical testing.
” Aston Metallurgical Services Co. Inc. of Wheeling, IL was accredited in physical testing, chemical testing and dimensional testing.
” Chicago Spectro Service Laboratory, Inc. of Chicago, IL was accredited in physical testing, metallographic evaluation and chemical analysis.
” Brighton-Best Socket Screw Mfg. Inc. of Swedwsboro, NJ was accredited in physical testing, and dimensional inspection.
” CAM-TECH Testing Laboratory of Fairport, NY was accredited in physical testing, metallographic analysis and dimensional testing.
A2LA is located at 5301 Buckeystown Pike, Suite 350, Frederick, MD 21704-8373. Tel: 301 644-3248 Fax: 301 662-2974 E-mail: info@a2la.org Web: a2la.org \ �2007 FastenerNews.com