A2LA Accreditations

Ann Bisgyer

The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation announced the accreditations fpr fastener testing:

Analytical Process Laboratories, Inc of Milwaukee, WI was accredited in physical testing, chemical analysis and metallographic evaluation

BBC Fasteners, Inc. of Alsip, IL was accredited in physical testing, dimensional testing, and metallographic evaluation.

Miami Valley Materials Testing Center, LLC of Tip City, OH was accredited in physical testing, chemical analysis, and metallographic evaluation.

Parker Rust-Proof of Cleveland, OH was accredited in physical testing, and dimensional testing,

Republic Engineered Products of Lorain, OH was accredited in chemical analysis.

South Holland Metal Finishing Laboratory of Monee, IL was accredited in physical testing, chemical analysis.

Specialty Screw Corporation of Rockford, IL was accredited in physical testing, dimensional testing, and metallographic evaluation.

SWD, INC, of Addison, IL was accredited in physical testing, chemical analysis.

A2LA is located at 5301 Buckeystown Pike, Suite 350, Frederick, MD 21704-8373. Tel: 301 644-3248 Fax: 301 662-2974 E-mail: info@A2LA.org Web: A2LA.org �2007 FastenerNews.com