A2LA Accreditations

Jason Sandefur

The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation announced the accreditations for fastener testing:

Detroit Heading LLC was accredited in dimensional, physical and metallographic testing.

Nucor Fastener Division in St. Joe, IN, was accredited in dimensional, physical, and metallographic testing.

Suzhou Yeswin Mfg. Ind. Co. Ltd. Testing Lab in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, was accredited in dimensional, physical, and metallographic testing.

Chem-Plate Industries Inc. in Elk Grove Village, IL, was accredited in physical and metallographic testing.

Bowser-Morner Inc. in Dayton, OH, was accredited in physical and metallographic testing.

A2LA is located at 5301 Buckeystown Pike, Suite 350, Frederick, MD 21704-8373. Tel: 301 644-3248 Fax 301 662-2974 E-mail: info@A2LA.org Web: A2LA.org �2008 FastenerNews.com