A2LA Plans Training On New ISO 17025
John Wolz
The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation is offering four training programs in the next few months.
� A course on ISO/IEC 17025, �Documenting Your Quality System and Internal Laboratory Audits,� will be held February 26-27, 2001, in Charleston, SC, and April 23-24 in New Orleans.
� ISO/IEC 17025, �the New Standard for Laboratory Quality� will be held on January 5 , April 6 and June 8, in Irvine, CA; February 28 in Charleston, SC; March 12 in Columbia, MD; and April 25 in New Orleans.
� �Calibration Laboratory Practices� will be held March 1-2 in Charleston and April 26-27 in New Orleans.
� �Measurement Uncertainty� will be held March 5-6 in Charleston and April 30-May 1 in New Orleans.
For information contact A2LA. Tel: 301 644-3235. Fax 301 662-2974. E-mail: info@a2la.org. Web: a2la.org \