3/20/2012 8:50:00 AM
Alcoa Fastening Systems Receives Airbus Award

Alcoa Fastening Systems received a Bronze Award from Airbus for outstanding performance in its Supplier Quality Improvement Program.

The top tier suppliers’ award recognizes supplier improvement, quality, on-time delivery and sustainability performance. 

AFS provides Airbus with fasteners for all of their major programs including the A320, A330, A340, A350, A380 and A400M.

“We are honored to receive this award from Airbus,” said Craig Brown, Vice President Global Aerospace Customers and Marketing for AFS. “We strive to be the leader in providing superior operational, technical and quality support to the industry.”

Torrance, CA-based AFS designs and manufactures fastening systems, including specialty fasteners, fluid fittings, assembly components, and installation systems for aerospace and industrial applications. The company has over 6,200 employees at 31 manufacturing and distribution/logistics locations in 11 countries. Web: alcoafasteners.com ©2012 GlobalFastenerNews.com

Alcoa Fastening Systems received a Bronze Award from Airbus for outstanding performance in its Supplier Quality Improvement Program.

The top tier suppliers’ award recognizes supplier improvement, quality, on-time delivery and sustainability performance. 

AFS provides Airbus with fasteners for all of their major programs including the A320, A330, A340, A350, A380 and A400M.

“We are honored to receive this award from Airbus,” said Craig Brown, Vice President Global Aerospace Customers and Marketing for AFS. “We strive to be the leader in providing superior operational, technical and quality support to the industry.”

For the A380, AFS has developed a special fastener that bolts composite panels to aluminum crossmembers. One million Alcoa fasteners fly on every A380, according to the company website.

Torrance, CA-based AFS designs and manufactures fastening systems, including specialty fasteners, fluid fittings, assembly components, and installation systems for aerospace and industrial applications. The company has over 6,200 employees at 31 manufacturing and distribution/logistics locations in 11 countries. Web: alcoafasteners.com ©2012 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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