6/14/2011 3:16:00 PM
AllFast’s Ruetz Riding Motorcycle to Raise Duchenne Research Funds

On July 5, 2011, fastener distributor Jim Ruetz will begin riding his BMW motorcycle from Wisconsin to Alaska to raise funds for CureDuchenne research.

Duchenne is a lethal muscle disease diagnosed in one out of 3,500 boys.

Ruetz saw a public service announcement during the NFL playoffs featuring Green Bay Packer Clay Matthews III and decided to raise money with a motorcycle ride.

Those wishing to donate research funds to CureDuchenne in conjunction with “Jim’s Ride” can do so online: www. Cureduchenne.org/site/PageServer?pagename=The_Bucket_Ride_Event


Or mail a check marked “Jim’s Ride” in the memo to CureDuchenne, 1400 Quail St., #110, Newport Beach, CA 92660. 


There are 20,000 boys living with Duchenne in the U.S. and most will not survive to their teenage years. Those that do face muscle fatigue and pain and will likely need a wheelchair by age 12. The simplest of tasks become difficult, and in the later stages, heart and breathing muscles begin to fail.

CureDuchenne was founded by Paul & Debra Miller in 2003 after their son was diagnosed with the disease. The Millers applied their business backgrounds to create a fiscally responsible and strategically focused business model that required milestones, timelines and accountability.

To date, six research projects are in clinical trials.  ©2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com