AMM Sponsoring New Wire Conference

John Wolz

American Metals Market will sponsor a new Wire Rod & Wire Products Conference to review current market conditions for the industry. The conference will be October 15-17, 2008, in Pittsburgh.

The conference schedule includes analysis of escalating costs, raw material and domestic steel shortages, diminishing scrap supply, a continuing decline in U.S. manufacturing and dwindling customer base.

Topics include: Purchasing strategies for raw materials and consumables; Demand outlook for wire rod; End market challenges; Outlook for raw material costs into 2009; Risk management; Transportation costs; Energy cost outlook; and foreign trade policies and its impact on the North American market.

AMM is seeking to bring together wire rod producers, wire drawers and end users.

Full registration is $1,125 with advance discounts. For information call 212 224-3577. Web: �2008