1/27/2015 9:08:00 AM
ASSOCIATIONS: Risk Management Among Pac-West Spring Topics
Risk management for distributors, learning how you think and an economic forecast are on the program for the Pacific-West Fastener Association spring meeting.
Pac-West will meet April 23-25, 2015, at the Westin Hotel in Long Beach, CA.
• Carmen Vertullo of Carver Consulting will present a Fastener Training Institute workshop Thursday on Risk Management for Distributors. Included are use of technical knowledge policies to help customers; role of technical training in risk management; avoiding being the victim of an incompetent customers; understanding suppliers and their capabilities; certifications, test reports and lot traceability.
• Element Materials Technology general manager Jim Riley will conduct a Saturday session on “What to Expect From a Fastener Training Lab.”
• Consultant Vickie Merrill will speak Friday on “Learn How You Think.” The session includes learning how to flex to others’ styles and apply it at work; ranking your performance; and managing decisions, errors and change.
• Dr. Esmael Adibi of the Anderson Center for Economic Research at Chapman University will give an economic outlook on Saturday morning.
The Pac-West business owners and business executives forums will be Friday afternoon.
The Pac-West TableTop Show will be Thursday afternoon.
For information contact Pac-West executive director Vickie Lester. Tel: 714 484-4747 or 877 606-5232 Email: info@Pac-West.org Web: Pac-West.org
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